Tuesday 24 April 2012

Bloggers Making Over $50K Teach How To Make Money With Adsense

One of my favorite methods of learning is learning from the success stories of other. I have learnt a lot by reading books or magazine articles of successful people. It is from such stories that I have learnt financial success is not just for a lucky few but for anyone who is willing to apply hard work, patience, and persistence.

Making money with Google Adsense can be a frustrating experience for anyone who doesn't know what he/she is doing. Many who have tried have given up early when the results were not as they had dreamed. Some who gave up have even concluded you can't make money from Google Adsense. Which is a bit sad because Adsense is good platform to make money with if you write great content, market your blog and have faith. Am writing this post on adsense success stories to fire your faith or restore your faith in Adsense.

People who make more than $50 000 per Month With Google Adsense

Darren Rowse - Makes Over $20,000/m with Adsense
Darren Rowse is known for his Problogger blog where he teaches new and amateur bloggers how to make money from blogging. His major money making site is a photography site, Digital Photography School. The site is good case study on the type of sites that make sustainable income online. The main thing that I have learnt from it is, a successful site needs a community: readers who keep coming back to read more. Darren has over 20 sites but a big chunk of his $20,000/m comes from 3 sites.

Jeremy Shoemaker - Makes Over $100,000/m With Google Adsense
It was Jeremy Shoemaker Check that gave me the faith in making money with Google adsense. I remember seeing the following picture and feeling elated.
 ADSENSE CHECK FOR $132,994.97
Jeremy Shoemaker the owner of Shoemoney got this check on September 2005

What is awesome about this check is the amount was not for yearly earnings but monthly earnings.

Jeremy does not own just one site. He makes his enormous Google checks using hundreds of sites and thousands of domains.

Tim Carter: AskTheBuilder.com - $30,000 per month
Tim Carter story is profiled at Google Adsense case studies. The guy is a licensed master plumber and carpenter with his own radio show. He also makes frequent television appearances. He founded AsktheBuilder.com in 1995, The primary focus has been catering to an avid following of fellow builders on the site. According to the Google case study, Mr. Carter did such a good job tweaking the Google ads on his site that it now makes $30,000 a month.

More Inspiring Google Adsense Success Stories
I hope these three stories have inspired you and convinced you that you can make money from Google Adsense. Check out Google Case Studies for stories of people like you making money with Google Adsense.

1 comment:

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