Monday 9 April 2012

How To Start An Online Business From Home

Since I started making money online I have been asked countless number of times How To Start An Online Business From home? My answer is find a niche, set up a website and write lots of content.

The advantage of starting an internet business is, you can run it from home. The start up cost of starting an internet business can range from $10 (cost of buying a domain name) to millions of dollars. The millions of dollars is for sites like Facebook that required investing money in costly servers and personnel. If you are starting a one man show internet business from home the start up cost will consist of domain name, web hosting and home internet connection.

Finding a market for your internet business

One of the most important elements of setting up an online business is finding out if there is a market for your idea. The best way to find out whether there is a market is use Google Keyword tool. Enter the Keywords of your niche and the tool will give you data on the number of monthly searches and number of competitors.

Get The Right Domain Name For Your Internet Business

Domain names cost $10 a year. But you can always get a free domain name from bluehost when you sign up for there web hosting. The domain can be a generic name or a name based on your product or service. I have used both methods and I have seen there is no advantage in using the name of product or service.

Find A Good Web Host to Host Your Internet Business Website

Shared hosting is sufficient for a beginner. Shared hosting plan can handle a website that gets 5000 visitors a day. You can start with a shared hosting plan and upgrade to more powerful services once your website gains traction. If you are running an e-commerce website where you will be taking customer credit card information you may need to purchase a dedicated server that comes with extra security.

Learn From the Best

We are never to big to stop learning. Learn from people who have been running successful internet businesses. A good place to start is problogger, Pat Flynn and yours truly

Marketing Your Website

There are two methods of attracting visitors to your website. Advertising on Google Adwords or getting Free traffic from Google search. The first method requires spending money but the second method will require you write articles for your website. The articles have to be written using the keywords that are relevant to your website. The more you write, the more traffic you will see on your website. If you feel writing articles is a boring Job, you can hire a cheap writer from

Manage Your Time Well

Time management is essential for success. When you are working from home it is easy to get distracted by so many things and it is important you separate business and domestic chores. Start by setting up a home office in a secluded area, a spare room or convert the basement, garage, bedroom into a home office. I have seen I am able to focus better when I write a daily schedule of things to do.

Be Patient And Persistence.

Succcess online comes slowly so be ready to work for a long period without seeing the fruits but be assured success will come if you stick hard in it.

To Your Success!

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