Monday 4 June 2012

Sample Letter : How To Approach Advertisers To Advertise On Your Site

All website owners who sell direct advertising from their website have "Advertise Here" page. While some advertisers will contact you after reading your “Advertise Here” page, the rest of them will need to be directly approached by you. In that case, it is a good idea to create a standard letter/sample letter/template to contact the advertisers.

There is no “one size fits all” solution here, but you can follow some general guidelines:

1. Introduce yourself and quickly explain what the email is about
2. Explain why you decided to contact them and what they have to gain
3. Give details about your site (traffic, subscribers, topic, audience)
4. Give details about the advertising options (location on the site, max number of advertisers, monthly price)
5. Target websites relevant to your niche, preferably websites that sell related products or services.

Here Is A sample letter or template that you can use to Approach advertisers to advertise on your website. 

To : Email Address
Dear (Website owner name),
I have the pleasure to offer my services to bring to your website a bumper crop of web traffic and business by advertising for you in my website. 

While visiting your website I noticed some of the products you sell (give examples) are products that visitors to my website are interested in. Last month alone (1200 ) visitors read articles related to (add products here) has become a craze for more than 6 years. The average monthly visitors stand at _________ thousand. These visitors had _________ pageviews. The visitors demographic is ________ years. Visitors primarily come from country A, B, and C or state A, B, and C. To verify these data, check out our doubleclick ad planner page (Set up a doubleclick ad planner page for your site and link to it). 

A copy of the advertisement tariff is enclosed.

Please feel free to call me at 123-4567 or drop me an e-mail so that we can discuss this further. If I don't hear from you by the end of next week I will follow up with you and see if we can set up a meeting at your convenience.

Yours faithfully
Your Name
Your website Name

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